Why is TAN looked after as a disease?

Do you even believe if we say tan is not something to look after for a remedy?

"Nature doesn't do things wrong! Everyone under the sun gets tanned. 

Tan happens bcz of melanin, tyrosinase hormone in our body. To protect our skin from UV rays from sun, body naturally produces more melanin, tan happens. More dark, more healthy and safe your skin is. 

India is a tropical country where people naturally have tendency to get tanned, but media showcasing lighter skin tone as beautiful has made the false discrimination. 

Soap MAY help in tan reduction and brightening  based on adaptability to your skin, but we don't assure color change in our soaps as colour depends on melanin inside body. We don't make false promises for the purpose of sale as most of the brands do. 

We want to add real value to your skin. 

Our soaps are 100% natural, free of harsh chemicals, mainly for healthy skin, definitely reduces dryness and keeps skin soft.

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